Event and Program Guidelines for Organization Activities
Susquehanna University does not accept financial responsibility for contracts negotiated by students individually or as representatives of student organizations. Any student organization contemplating a contractual agreement is urged to confer with the Office of Leadership & Engagement prior to finalizing and signing a contract.
Reading Days and Examination Periods
No co-curricular or extracurricular activities or programs by students, faculty or staff, are permitted during the period reserved in the academic calendar each semester for Reading Days and Examinations. Please see the Academic Calendar for Reading Days and Examination schedules.
Co-Curricular Events, Activities and Programs Date Reservation & Registration
All co-curricular events and activities must be scheduled on the master calendar with the Office of Event Management by reserving a space on the Event Reservation Form located on the myNest Clubs & Organizations tile. This is necessary so that conflicts can be avoided in facility/resource usage. Because the University Calendar, the Calendar of Public Events, The Quill and other publicity depend upon the Office of Leadership & Engagement and the Office of Event Management for accurate information concerning co-curricular programs, it is essential that the information the office receives be as accurate and complete as possible. Programs will be scheduled in accordance with the following policies:
- All requests must be submitted within three working days prior to the event using the Presence Event Registration Form. For all student-sponsored social events, the names of two persons (preferably officers or program chairs and the advisor of the sponsoring organization) who assume responsibility for the event and will be present for the entire event must be listed Event Registration Form.
- All events held on campus must be sponsored by a recognized student organization or university department or the event will be treated as a non-university sponsored activity and contracted as such.
- Permission for events can be denied by the Office of Leadership & Engagement or the Office of Event Management. Valid reasons may include conflicts with other activities, inappropriate nature of the event, no completing registration by the deadline, or other circumstances.
- The person who schedules the event is responsible for notifying the Office of Leadership & Engagement (ole@maoqijie.com) and the Office of Event Management (oem@maoqijie.com) as soon as it is known that an event is to be canceled or has been changed.
- The Quill newspaper must receive all promotional information (for non-Social Events) no later than Tuesday at 4 p.m. for the event to be included in that Friday’s edition.
- A current list of registered activities calendar is available on Presence.
- Any scheduling conflicts, problems or questions should be referred to the Office of Leadership & Engagement who, in conjunction with the Office of Event Management, has final authority for all scheduling issues.
- Note: Once approved, the nature of the event may not be altered without approval from the Office of Leadership & Engagement, in conjunction with the Office of Event Management.
The process of receiving the facility confirmation from Event Management and registering your event, via the Event Registration Form on Presence, happen simultaneously.
Student Organization Finance Information
- General Information: Student organizations are required to maintain their funds in university “agency” accounts through the university accounting system for organizational expenses. There is no charge for processing transactions, writing checks, monthly statements, etc. All balances at year-end carry over into the following fiscal year. Monthly reports can be provided to the organization’s Treasurer or faculty advisor by the Office of Leadership & Engagement It is the organization’s responsibility to understand the transactions that have been posted into their accounts and to inform the Leadership & Engagement Coordinator of any changes to the account(s), including the naming of a new treasurer.
- Purchasing Procedures: Some local merchants will allow items to be charged to student organizations if the purchaser shows identification and signs a receiving document. The vendor should send the resulting invoices directly to the Finance Office or Accounts Payable at accountspayable@maoqijie.com. The vendor will need to include the student organization and the name of organization’s representative making the purchase on the invoice. Both the organization’s treasurer and the faculty advisor must approve payment of the bill by signing a properly completed check request form, available on myNest.
Check Requests: Checks are prepared from properly completed and approved check request forms and must be stapled to invoices or other supporting documentation. Required information includes the full 13-digit agency account (Example: 71-00-XXXXX-XXXX), the amount to be paid, check delivery/pick up options and approvals. Listings of appropriate expense sub-Codes are available for reference in the Finance Office and from the Leadership & Engagement Coordinator in the Office of Leadership & Engagement. Properly completed requests received at Accounts Payable prior to 4 p.m. Monday will result in checks being available on Friday for pick up in the Finance Office or mailed according to the instructions on the form. Please note that as a matter of policy, checks cannot be drawn on accounts with insufficient balances. Therefore, groups should be certain that appropriate funding has been credited into their agency account prior to the time they need expense checks. Funds can be deposited directly through the Finance Office or transferred between agency accounts using a preprinted journal entry form, available on myNest.
- Note that these check request forms are not to be used for payments for services by those on the university payroll. These students providing services (e.g., DJ, photographer) will need to be paid an hourly rate through the Payroll Office.
- Any new vendors will need to complete and return the New Vendor Request Form, New Vendor Rev-1832, and a recent W-9 Form (and option New Vendor Direct Deposit Auth Form) prior to receiving payment. Student organizations can contact the Finance Office to confirm if a vendor is considered “new” and have to complete this process.
- Any questions regarding organizational accounts should be directed to the Office of Leadership & Engagement.
- Student Reimbursement under $60 – Petty Cash: Students are to use the Petty Cash Request Form (myNest, Clubs & Organizations tile) for expense reimbursements under $60 only. Multiple petty cash requests for a single account cannot exceed $60. Original receipts supporting the amount requested must be attached, along with your organization’s or departmental account number and a signature from your faculty/staff advisor or supervisor. Organizations must confirm that their organization’s fund balance can support their purchase/reimbursement prior to their purchase. Requests submitted before 2 pm will be available for pick-up after 2 pm the following business day. Submit requests to the Office of Leadership & Engagement. Students requesting reimbursements over $60 will need to complete the Check Request Form (found in the same location as the Petty Cash Form on myNest.)
- Student Cash Advance: Student organizations may use the Student Cash Advance Form (myNest, Clubs & Organizations tile) to request a cash advance for up to $100 prior to their event. The form must include your organization’s or departmental account number and a signature from your faculty/staff advisor or supervisor. Multiple advances from a single account cannot exceed $100. Organizations must confirm that their organization’s fund balance can support their cash advance prior to receiving the advance. Students are required to turn in receipts and/or unused portion of the amount disbursed within three (3) days from their event. Requests submitted before 2 p.m. will be available for pick-up after 2 p.m. the following business day. Requests should be submitted to the Office of Leadership & Engagement. Do not use this form for travel reimbursement, payroll requests, journal entry requests or budget changes.
Fundraising Regulations
Susquehanna University recognizes the need for officially recognized student organizations to raise funds to supplement what is allocated to them by SGA from the Student Activities fee. Individuals, businesses or groups not affiliated with Susquehanna University or Susquehanna groups which are not officially recognized are prohibited from selling products or services and from raising funds on-campus unless they have been contracted as an outside vendor for the DCC lower level display area.
Student Organizations should follow the following procedures to successfully plan and implement fundraisers on campus:
- Student groups planning to engage in fund-raising efforts in which fellow students, faculty and staff are the persons from whom the funds are raised must first register their activity with the Office of Leadership & Engagement (via the online Presence Event Registration Form). Included in this category would be on-campus events for which admission is charged, the sale of goods or services and direct solicitation for worthy causes.
- All recognized student groups must abide by these regulations. Organization representatives must meet with a member of the Office of Leadership & Engagement staff to review these policies, if necessary. The organization representative and the organization’s advisor may be required to sign a statement that holds them responsible for compliance with such guidelines. If these guidelines are violated in any way, the Office of Leadership & Engagement may deny future fund-raising privileges for that particular organization for a period not to exceed one year.
- Student organizations selling products need to adhere to these additional guidelines:
- Items must be approved by the Office of Leadership & Engagement (via the online Presence Event Registration Form).
- Items must be reasonably priced, represent a fair deal for purchase and be quality products.
- Items must be in good taste and should not be messy, loud or offensive to the general public.
- If items directly compete with the Campus Bookstore or Dining Services, clearance must be obtained from the supervisors of those operations.
- Sale of items utilizing the name, logo or mascot of Susquehanna University must obtain additional permission by the Office of Communications.
- Items that are prohibited in the residence halls per the Office of Residence Life on-campus housing policies (e.g., shot glasses, drug paraphernalia, candles, incense) may not be sold or distributed.
- No fund-raising activity may involve the solicitation/completion of a credit card application. As a result of a vote by SGA in fall 1999, credit card vendors are not permitted to actively solicit on campus.
- Student Organizations must register their fundraiser through the Event Registration form located on Presence. If approved, the fundraiser contact will receive a confirmation from the Leadership & Engagement Coordinator.
- If necessary, organizations raising funds for charity are required to provide evidence to the Office of Leadership & Engagement that the funds were received by the charitable organization at the conclusion of the event.
- Limited storage space, for student organizations, is available in lockers near the 24-hour computer lab in Degenstein Campus Center. Keys may be kept at the Information Desk for group members to check out as needed. Storage for group items, including funds raised as a result of an approved fundraiser, may not be kept in the Office of Leadership & Engagement unless authorized.
- Locations for fundraisers:
- Degenstein Campus Center: Fundraisers are allowed in the vendor table/lower-level display area upon receipt of an event confirmation form from the Office of Event Management and the approval of the Office of Leadership & Engagement. Space is limited to no more than six display tables and the duration of a group’s reservation of this space is at the discretion of the Office of Event Management.
- Residence Halls: No fundraising/soliciting may be conducted in the Residence Halls without written approval from the Office of Residence Life and the Office of Leadership & Engagement. Limitations may be applied to groups wishing to fundraise in the residence halls beyond those described in this policy.
- Academic buildings: Fundraisers are not allowed in any building that is designated primarily as classroom space. The Academic Deans may grant exception to this rule as deemed appropriate.
- Other campus facilities & grounds: Contact the Office of Leadership & Engagement for restrictions on other areas of campus beyond those listed above.
Travel Regulations
- All student organization travel must be registered using the online Presence Event Registration Form. This includes transportation to formals, conferences, other universities, etc. Provide travel details within the form including but not limited to the names and contact information of those traveling, travel details (time leaving, time returning, type of travel, lodging location, etc.). This information will be used in case of emergency.
- All student organization travel shall be arranged by the organization’s advisor or the Office of Leadership & Engagement.
- Student organizations should not sign any contracts without having them first reviewed by the Office of Leadership & Engagement and/or the organization advisor.
- University vans and vans rented in the university name may only be requested by a department or registered student organization and must be approved by an advisor, department chair, or the Office of Leadership & Engagement. The driver must be certified by the university. The driver certification takes at least 2-3 weeks to complete. Contact the Office of Leadership & Engagement to learn how to become a certified driver.
- The university can restrict or eliminate travel at any time due to health and safety guidelines.
For policies and procedures for Trax, including alcohol control, reserving the venue for private events for student organizations, student employees, and appropriate conduct, please see the Office of Leadership & Engagement.